How can Lumina Emotion help your business?
Lumina Emotion

How can Lumina Emotion help your business?
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Lumina Emotion uses the Big5 model of personality to demonstrate that personality qualities actually underpin the majority of traditional emotional competencies. Lumina Emotion takes a holistic and balanced view, recognising that all traits can be helpful and effective in their own way. For example, both introversion and extraversion can contribute to emotional intelligence in different contexts, whereas many traditional models suggest extraversion is more important.
Lumina Emotion reveals three emotional personas - Underlying, Everyday and Overextended - and shows how socially desirable traits that are often perceived as key to emotional intelligence when overplayed can work against it. Equally, our research provides evidence that underrated traits that traditional EQ models typically do not see as driving emotional intelligence can, in fact, become sources of emotional strength. Lumina Emotion's innovative approach is fully compatible with Lumina Spark and they can be used separately or together.
Uncover and fine-tune
Your emotional landscape
Choose your actions
Manage your responses
Increase cooperation
Reduce conflict
Develop an emotionally intelligent organisation
Understand your emotional qualities
Identify the emotional qualities of others
Manage emotions, respond purposefully
Completely compatible with Lumina Spark
Havas Group